Conditions For Membership, Applying For Membership, And Acceptance:

a) Individuals who satisfy the membership conditions, apply to the training committee after they have included their personal and professional identity information (graduation document, copy of both sides of the identity card, membership form, and a photo) in the printed membership form of the association. Candidates who are found suitable after the interviews held by the training committee finalize their application and become a “candidate member in training”. A candidate member becomes a full member after they complete the whole process. Both candidate and full members pay annual membership fees and have the right to vote within the association.

b) Based on the written application and interviews with the candidate, the formation committee reviews the application within 30 days. The final decision, in the form of either acceptance or rejection is conveyed to the applicant in writing.

c) A register is kept for each member of the association. Each member is obliged to pay the annual membership fee.

Honorary Membership

A decision or honorary membership is reached with the decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of 1/5 of the members of the General Assembly or Board of Directors.